• A++ Grade by NAAC   |  College of Excellence by UGC   |    Kaushal Kendra by UGC   |   CURIE Grant by DST   |   Star Scheme College by DBT   |   College with 4 Gold Star Ranking by Innovation Cell (GOI)   |   Excellence in Institutional Social Responsibility by FICCI   |   Excellence in Serving for Social Cause by ASSOCHAM    |    ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution   

The National Service Scheme

The students can get enrolled for community service under NSS program of Government of India, at present, there are two units with 200 volunteers on roll. The motto is “ Not me but you”. This year the students took up community projects in village Gakhal, District Jalandhar, Punjab. A Medical Camp, Blood Donation Camp, and Workshop on First AID was organized. Yoga Day was also celebrated.

The Responsibility Bearers

Dr. Anjana Bhatia, Advisor
Dr. Veena Arora
Miss. Harmanu Paul